
About Us

"The RC Community website is owned by Redeemed Camp, a faith-based charitable organisation registered in England and Wales, set up to support individuals facing life’s social challenges."

Christ was a social activist impacting all walks of life irrespective of race or creed. We are set up to embody all his teachings, to bring about social change and to improve our community and society at large. We aim to have a positive impact and wherever possible, reduce the strain of everyday life by offering resources that make a difference.

Impacting lives & society...

Our mission is to improve the quality of life of as many people and communities as we can, by identifying gaps in provision and delivering direct support. In addition to providing material and financial relief or support, we partner with organisations and volunteers with a similar vision in providing our services and impacting lives.
We regularly support food banks across London with food, provisions and toiletries for individuals in need.

RC Community delivering supplies to the Seventh Day Adventist, Ilford food bank.

The RC Library

Our Library hosts a digital collection of e-books made freely accessible around the world, whether for reference or borrowing.

Our collections include titles that cover socio-economic and faith issues from pastors, authors, life coaches, inspirational and motivational bestselling authors.

The library forms part of our initiative to facilitate social mobility by making access to life impacting tools freely accessible.

As the world is channel-shifting at an ever increasing rate to the virtual space, the Library is positioned to be a convenient and mobile digital reading tool aimed at furthering our aim of making life-impacting books available at the click of a button and on every device.

The RC Education Foundation

In his Mishneh Torah, Moses Ben Maimon, aka Maimonides (1138-1104) taught that empowering the other to become independent is the highest level of giving. None more so than the offer of the gift of education and its potential to instigate an upward mobility on a generational scale.

Billy Giwa addressing pupils at Don Bosco Mithra School, Bangalore, India.

The RC Community has always held education as a weapon of choice in our war against poverty and the deprivation and humiliation it imposes on individuals and families. In 2018, we established the The RC Library, a free access digital shelf with a varied and ever increasing inventory.

Debbie Giwa addressing beneficiaries of the RC Education Foundation scholarship.

We have also established a full scholarship program for children in some of the most disadvantaged communities in rural India and a cohort on the "Take A Teen Mother Back To School", in Rwanda. We also equip schools with laboratory equipment and computers and whatsoever is required for the delivery of quality education.

Funmi Dele-Giwa fielding questions from girls sponsored by the RC Education Foundation.

Community Engagment

We are out in the community doing what we preach.

Trustees of Redeemed Camp, Debbie and Billy Giwa, with the Duke of Kent at a Buckingham Palace engagement.

Debbie Giwa, Redeemed Camp Trustee, (right) volunteering at the New Horizon Youth Centre, London

Funmi Dele-Giwa, Redeemed Camp Administrator (Right) volunteering at Refugee & Migrant Forum of Essex & London (RAMFEL)

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