
Grant Making Policy

Grant Making Policy


The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Outline principles of grant making adhered to by our Trustees; and
  • Articulate those principles and our criteria for grant making to potential grant applicants.


Redeemed Camp is established on the belief that true religion involves doing good and making a positive impact, in families, schools, communities and even nations where possible. As a result, our vision is to improve the quality of life of as many people and communities as we can, by identifying gaps in provision and delivering direct support to individuals living in London and surrounding counties.


We live in challenging times and the changes in the global socio-economic landscape have largely negatively affected individuals, homes and communities. These unfortunate changes have not been restricted to specific continents, regions or social classes and with such a widespread impact; we feel that we have a duty to contribute to the common good.

Our support may be in the form monetary grants given to individuals or in support of other existing charitable organisations with similar objectives.

Approach to grant making

The Trustees are guided in their grant making decisions by two fundamental principles:

1. Independence

Grants will not be made to support statutory services; neither are the Trustees party to local or central Government initiatives or political priorities. The Trustees value their position as an independent local grant maker.

2. Fairness

Trustees seek to make the application process fair to all potential beneficiaries. All grant applications are made and considered in the same manner. There are no privileged applicants and individual Trustees are required to declare an interest where appropriate.

Grant making Principles

To ensure that our funds are used for the charitable purposes for which they have been given, the following procedures will be applied:

  • All potential beneficiaries will be required to send us an application by post to The Trustees, Redeemed Camp, 3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London EC2A 4NE, with supporting documentation where relevant, so that Trustees can make a full and informed analysis of the entirety of the individual’s relevant circumstances. All applicants will be required to declare that all information provided is true to the best of their knowledge.
  • Applications should demonstrate that funding will improve the quality of life for individuals and/or families. Applicants will be expected to set out fully the purpose of the grant, amount needed, timeframe and evidence of how the grant will directly benefit them.
  • Trustees will consider grants of all sizes (within its financial capacity). Accordingly, grants vary in amount, depending on the needs of the individual beneficiary.In most cases, the value of grants given to an individual or an organisation will be between £150-£350, and in extreme situations will be no greater than £500.
  • Applications can be submitted at any time and are considered within 7 working days of receipt, with a decision by the Trustees to follow thereafter. We aim to review and make decisions within 14 working days following receipt of an application subject to no further information requests.
  • We may, in exceptional circumstances, make grants to other individuals or charities within the broader charitable objects.
  • Trustees may contact potential beneficiaries (or their parent/guardian if under 19) for further information.
  • Our preference is to purchase required items on behalf of beneficiaries, rather than giving direct grants of money. Individuals, or supporting professionals, must provide three quotes for any equipment/services. Where it is felt appropriate Trustees may seek its own independent quote.
  • Where direct grants of sums of money to beneficiaries are most appropriate, this will be done.
  • Beneficiaries may be requested to keep in contact with us to report on how funds disbursed have had an impact on their circumstances.
  • Grants will normally be one-off payments or purchases.
  • Only one application per household will be approved within a 12-month period.

Direct Grants to Individuals

Grants are made in response to direct applications from individuals responding to the Charities’ publicity. Referrals are also welcomed and encouraged from all not-for-profit organisations and statutory agencies.

Grants to Organisations

The aim of funding not-for-profit organisations is to contribute to organisations that deliver services in line with our mission.

What we fund

  • Basic needs, including but not limited to: food, accommodation, clothes and shoes for children in families suffering financial hardship
  • Life skills training
  • Counselling
  • Healthcare grants for individuals with ill health. Grants may be made towards diagnostic, curative, therapeutic, or palliative benefits, and includes grants to relieve the suffering or assist the recovery of individuals who are sick, convalescent, disabled or infirm or to provide comfort for patients.

What we do not fund

We usually do NOT provide funding for the following items:

  • Furniture and Domestic Appliances
  • Fixtures and fittings
  • Computers/laptops, mobile phones
  • Fines or Criminal Penalties
  • Retrospective Funding (any item or cost which has already been spent prior to approval of grant
  • Costs associated with submitting an application to resolve immigration
  • Credit card or loan agreements
  • Funeral expenses
  • International travel
  • Applications for more than £500 (we will consider match-funding requests where the balance is sourced elsewhere)

Identifying beneficiaries

Potential beneficiaries may be made known to Redeemed Camp in the following ways:

  • Individuals and organisations may approach the organisation directly to apply for a grant;
  • Individuals and organisations may be recommended by other charities, organisations, or professionals; and
  • Redeemed Camp may identify individuals and organisations through other methods.

How to Apply

  1. Applications should comprise a single document of no more than two pages. Applications will have a better chance of success if they include:
  • A brief description of circumstances;
  • Details of specific amount needed;
  • Timeframe within which the grant is needed; and
  • An outline of how the grant will directly benefit the applicant.
  1. The amount of detail and supporting information provided will influence the time it will take to assess the application and might obviate the need to ask for further supporting information.
  2. All applications should be sent by post to  The Trustees, Redeemed Camp, 3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE.
  1. All applications will receive a standard acknowledgment within 7 working days of receipt of each application.
  2. If an application is successful, the applicant should hear from us within 14 working days of the acknowledgment letter sent. Applicants who do not hear from us within this time must assume they have been unsuccessful.

Assessment process

All grant applications will be subject to initial assessment to ensure they meet the basic criteria for funding. The Trustees at their meetings will consider grants.

All considerations of whether an individual is eligible for a grant will take into account all information available to the Trustees, which may include the individual’s social, economic, and other circumstances. Please note official documents may be requested to support your application. 

Redeemed Camp may make grants to, or on behalf of, individuals in need by reason of other disadvantages, within the ambit of applicable charity law. These will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration all available information.

Applicants should note that, as with many other charitable organisations, Redeemed Camp may receive more applications that it has funds to support.

Even if a project fits within the criteria and priorities of the fund and a detailed assessment has been made, we may still be unable to provide a grant.

In some cases, an in-principle decision will be made by the Trustees pending receipt of further information.

Please note that successful applicants cannot re-apply for at least six months from the date of approval notification.

If the Trustees consider that an individual beneficiary has not used their grant for the charitable purpose for which it was given, that individual/organisation will not be eligible for any future grants from the charity.

Data Protection

Redeemed Camp’s policy is to erase unsuccessful applicants’ personal information within 1 month of a decision.

For successful applicants, the Redeemed Camp will retain personal information for as long as is deemed legally appropriate for accounting and audit purposes.

Statistical data from applications, with all personal identifying factors removed, may be used for Charity reporting and monitoring purposes.

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